
Counseling and Therapy in Keego Harbor, MI

Our therapists near Keego Harbor treat many conditions. It is important to help people feel better about bad situations in life. Treatment can help victims of abuse and neglect overcome the hurt feelings to find happiness and peace once again.

A Few Issues Being Tackled near Keego Harbor

Elder Abuse

Sadly, the National Center on Elder Abuse says bad things happen to about ten percent of the older U.S. population. This problem includes controlling behavior like physical, mental, and emotional harm along with financial theft, neglect, rape, or molestation. Our caring counselors spend time with these clients giving them a platform where they feel listened to and understood. Furthermore, we help the person deal with the trauma and work to stop nightmares, anxiety, and depression symptoms.


Therapists in Keego Harbor, MI see neglect in many elder abuse cases, but this is also common in homes with children and teenagers. Anyone can neglect another person whether it is a parent-child, spouse-spouse, or roommate situation. Neglect often makes people lack confidence, feel sad, and shy away from social situations. Children who suffer neglect may not know or have a way to verbalize the pain of living in an abusive home. People in large families can feel left out of family activities and need help to reconnect with siblings or parents. Our psychologists determine what course of action is the most beneficial for your situation making it highly likely that you will have a successful outcome.


Children growing up in foster homes or with adopted families can suffer abandonment issues. These feelings can extend to family members in nursing homes who get very little interaction with family after placement. Abandonment issues are deeply rooted in the brain and emotional core, but with the proper care and treatment from our highly rated psychologists, you can feel valued.

Sibling Issues

Counselors come across sibling rivalry issues a lot. Children get jealous or hurt each other because they do not understand how to deal with some situations in life. We can provide a healthy outlet for your children to talk about the issues that cause the most problems and offer an unbiased opinion for remediation based on our expertise and education. We want to guide your children to a more harmonious existence to give your entire family peace and forge healthy relationships for a lifetime.

Where to Find a Therapist in Keego Harbor, MI

Our Bright Pine Behavioral Health team can develop a tailored care plan for you or your family member. We strive to help our Keego Harbor family be healthy and productive and feeling like valuable members of our community. Visit our compassionate staff and see why we are highly recommended in Michigan. We want to give you the tools you need to overcome the bad things to feel whole again.

Front desk staff may not always have the appropriate clinical expertise to answer questions about your unique situation. That’s why we provide quick and efficient consultations with experienced clinicians.