
Counseling and Therapy in Ortonville, MI

Do you have a gifted student? Does your child have issues fitting in at school? Psychologists often see children for a variety of school-related problems including bullying, low-self esteem, and anger. Our experience with behavior testing and treatment can provide a solution that makes life easier for your child.

Above Average Children

Counselors talk with many gifted students who feel like they do not fit into the rest of the group their age. Some children who jump ahead grades can feel guilt that other friends cannot do the same. Loneliness is also common. We can help your child cope with these issues and other problems that happen because your student is gifted.

Anger Issues

Therapists in Ortonville, MI see children and teens with anger issues. These problems arise for many reasons including living in a broken home, bullying, and sibling rivalry. Because so many things can be the root cause of anger issues, a trained and licensed psychologist is the most qualified person to get to the heart of the matter and help your child find a way to be happy and emotionally healthy.


Counselors find bullying happens at school and work. Children and adults are victims of verbal or physical attacks leading them to shut down, change habits, worry, or stress about future problems. Our team of therapists can help you or your child deal with a bully including ways to confront the person without fear of physical retribution.

Where to Find a Therapist in Ortonville, MI

When you or your student need help with the school or a bully, our Bright Pine Behavioral Health experts are compassionate and caring. Our team strives to provide tailored solutions to meet your needs and help get you and your family on the path to a better life. Neurologists and other specialists often refer children to our practice for treatment including cognitive behavior therapy, group treatment, and family meetings.

Front desk staff may not always have the appropriate clinical expertise to answer questions about your unique situation. That’s why we provide quick and efficient consultations with experienced clinicians.