
Counseling and Therapy in Pontiac, MI

Psychologists provide numerous therapies and treatments for patients with physical, mental, and emotional problems. These issues can stem from any source making it impossible to apply a one-size-fits-all approach to wellness. How do you find a great therapist? Look for providers who can successfully treat the following conditions, have affiliations with top, local agencies, and a record of excellent care.

Below is a small list of issues that we can help with.

Gender Dysphoria

Excellent therapists understand the complex treatment necessary for people who have gender identity issues. Some people may feel they were born the wrong sex, but have no desire to use hormones or surgery to fix the problem. Furthermore, some scientists feel people with this issue can have a crisis of identity where a full change is the only thing that will help the patient. Caring professionals can provide the ability for a person to become the gender he or she wants.

Drug Addiction

Exceptional psychologists treat drug addiction cases regularly. The thing is that not any person is the same as the next. Every successful treatment depends on the person and the therapy team. Reaching deeply rooted issues and helping the patient solve these problems is only the first step to recovering. While complex and difficult patients can get off drugs with group therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy.


Counselors seeing couples with marital issues decide whether they can work things out or not. They do not make any decisions for the pair, they just work to solve problems and get the couple to talk things out and communicate better. A highly rated professional leads couples through the process of divorce if that is the chosen direction. Marriage counseling can help couples who feel a divorce is not the end goal.


Therapists in Pontiac, MI understand how touchy death and topics revolving around grief can be for some people. Emotions are hard to overcome when you lose someone important like a parent, child, or sibling. A good therapy provider gives the person time to talk about the loss and helps the person uncover ways to work through the grieving process.

Where to Find a Therapist in Pontiac, MI

Our counselors in Pontiac are highly skilled and licensed therapy providers. At Bright Pine Behavioral Health, we are a leading psychology team who strives to grow and excel at offering effective treatments. We specialize in numerous clinical and mental areas providing valuable services to our patients.

Front desk staff may not always have the appropriate clinical expertise to answer questions about your unique situation. That’s why we provide quick and efficient consultations with experienced clinicians.