
Autism Diagnosis: Actionable Advice For Parents

Cover of the Psych Confidential Podcast with Dr. Kat Lewitzke

Table of Contents Sharon Tonnies is a twin mom and an autism advocate. She and her husband, have 16-year-old twin boys, and have been married for 19 years. Sharon supports the Autism Alliance of Michigan and is currently on the Board of Directors for the Michigan Council of Exceptional Children as well as the Consumer … Read more

Approved Autism Evaluation Centers in Michigan (AAEC)

Approved Autism Evaluation Centers In Michigan AAEC

Take Our Free Autism Screener Schedule An Autism Assessment I’d Like A 20-Minute Consultation Table of Contents Update 1/1/24:  How can members obtain an autism evaluation starting Jan. 1, 2024? Starting January 1, 2024, significant changes in the evaluation and treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) will be implemented to allow more comprehensive and accessible … Read more

Front desk staff may not always have the appropriate clinical expertise to answer questions about your unique situation. That’s why we provide quick and efficient consultations with experienced clinicians.